Alder Ego
”Alder ego” is an ensemble created by the 33-year old drummer & composer Joonas Leppänen. It features a group of prime young talents from the buzzing Finnish jazz scene.
Joonas grew up in the city of Jyväskylä, in central Finland, known for it ́s historic affiliation with jazz and for being a motor in channeling many talented musicians onto the scene. Having spent a great deal of his life abroad (Germany, Sweden and U.S.A) Joonas has developed a great curiosity for the world, drawing inspiration from a myriad of sources, such as the visual arts, literature and contemporary classical composers.
Jarno Tikka - tenor saxophone
Tomi Nikku - trumpet and flugelhorn
Teemu Åkerblom - double bass
Joonas Leppänen - drums
Harri Kuusijärvi - accordion